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For those that have had the unfortunate experience of planning a funeral, you know that this won’t come close to covering the expenses. How they’re going to pay for all of this is the last thing the family should have to worry about. Oliva Nova was struggling with drug addiction (Star Gossip News screenshot/ YouTube)įurther, it added, "As you can imagine, travel costs are adding up quickly in addition to the funeral expenses that no parent should have to ever endure. She passed trying to save others and I believe that's the stuff saints are made of," Romero said. I am indebted to Lexi for her selfless act. However, she chose to help another friend who was "heading down a dangerous path." "Even though her friend would never forgive her for giving a statement, Lexi had to try to help save her life. I have a family that loves me.'" He further added Nova decided not to seek medical treatment to battle her addiction. She said she wanted to change her lifestyle - she looked in my eyes and said to me, 'I want to stop and change my life. She was at a friend's house trying to get sober.
Meanwhile, Nova's friend Jimmie Romero told Mirror Online, "Lexi knew her days were limited, she was told in October by doctors. ‘I was totally depressed’: Bradley Cooper speaks about cocaine addiction and his 'lost twenties' 'I was in denial’: Noah Cyrus says she ‘lost all hope’ during her drug addiction as she debuts long-awaited album